Monday, April 12, 2010

Educational Theory of the Week: Knowledge

I am still partying with the Ultimate Blog Party of 2010. I luckily (it was all luck--I had no plan) got in line at just the right time and my blog is #12 on the list. As I write this, there are over 1500 family blogs on the list of party guests. This is fun and I am meeting so many people. Here is the button again, as I am still partying. You can join if you like.

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

And now, back to Bloom's Taxonomy. The first section is knowledge. This is the base for all other learning. Knowledge is acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition. When activating this part of the learning process according to Bloom's Taxonomy, you can ask questions like:

What is this (object, picture, event)?
Can you name/list (steps, characters)?
Who said...?
When did ___ happen?
We just did ___. What will we do next?

True and false questions are also knowledge based. When you are asking for knowledge to be recalled (normally facts, not opinions) you are using the knowledge base of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Application to real life kids, namely, Ty

The hubby and I did this consistently with Ty last summer for two areas: when he was identifying colors and noticing the differences between vehicles.

1. Colors can be tough for little kids. (Think how pink and red, blue and green can be tough to differentiate). Teaching them colors is basic knowledge. We did lots of repeating and asking about different instances. We didn't just do colors with colored pencils and sidewalk chalk; we did it everywhere. The carpet, furniture, walls, toys, outfits--if it had a color, we identified it.

Once, anything that moved was a "car." We really pushed to differentiate between cars, vans, motorcycles, boats, trucks, etc. Again, we worked to explain the different parts and sections that separate vehicle types from each other. That one has a two wheels, it is a motorcycle.


How do you use knowledge with your kids? Do you go back to knowledge type questions for review? Do you use such questions less and less as your children get older, or is it the other way around?


  1. You are lucky...I'm #778!

    My girls had trouble distinguishing between blue and purple when they were learning colors.

    Emmy has definitely reached the "why" stage...she asks me "why" to every question that I answer! This is definitely adding to her knowledge base.

  2. Yes, and it is moving onto the higher stages of Bloom's Taxonomy. :)

  3. Hope you are having fun at the Blog Party!

    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :)
    and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

    Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  4. Thanks ladies! The UBP is fun. I am meeting tons of people.

  5. Found you through the UBP! I am meeting many new people as well. I was a teacher and now a SAHM as well.

  6. Hi there! Nice to meet you! I'm stopping by from UBP. I enjoyed reading your blog and I will be back for another visit! Your blog is so informative, I can learn a lot!

    I hope you can stop by our blog: is a mom owned newly launched site.

    Have a beautiful day

  7. It is nice to meet you all as well! I have visited your blogs and am so happy to meet fun people. The UBP is great.

  8. I'm your latest follower through the Ultimate Blog Party 2010. I'm a little late getting started, but I hope you'll check out my blog at

  9. You blog is one of my "finds" from the party. I do not plan to do a follow-on post, but anyone who can write about Bloom's Taxonomy and make it interesting, deserves to be read!


Your thoughts... questions... ideas... I love feedback!