Friday, July 15, 2011

Education Blogs

I have come across amazing, passionate blog writers since I've been creating Switching Classrooms.  I've decided to make a list of blogs that are great for educators and parents focused on education. This list is not exhaustive, but is only a handful. I also received no compensation for this. It is my honest opinion, as always. :)

Room to Grow: Making Early Childhood Count focuses on exposing children to literature.

Me and Marie Learning features preschool ideas. She also has printables!

Me and Marie Learning 

Itsy Bitsy Learners focuses on young learners. It has awesome free printables and even more very fairly priced ones.

Teach Mama empowers parents by giving them simple tools and resources. I have worked with the lady behind Teach Mama for years now, and she is passionate about all things educational.

A Mommy Talks is about learning with children, written by a SAHM. I have also been a fan of this page for quite a bit, for obvious reasons. She is a teacher switching to life as a SAHM. Yep, when she writes something and I sure understand what she means!

 A Mommy Talks

Giving Up On A Clean House not only has a cool name and one in which I can relate, but it also has great activities to do with young kids. 

This Reading Mama blogs about literacy, specifically what to do after you child knows his ABCs.

Naturally Educational covers activities and books, but also issues in education.

The Activity Mom gives practicable and realistic scenarios for parents to use with their children. Again, I have followed this blog for years as well.

Literacy Toolbox gives solid advice about literacy. Not only do you get help, you get suggestions about books. (I never know about childhood books-I just buy from the store or borrow from the library. This helps somebody like me).

So there you have it. Other teachers and parents in blog-land that provide wonderful resources for those in education-land. I will try to do another list like this soon, as this does not list all the wonderful blogs I have found these past few years.


  1. Great list! Thank you for including Naturally Educational!

  2. You are quite welcome. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Yups it's Great Work and i like that you did difrrent Concept.

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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